Saturday, November 26, 2016

The 2016 Selection

We've seen this before --
Bush-I: "KNOW new taxes!" 
Bush-II: "I declare war on TERRA!" 
Trump: "I'll make America GRATE again!" 
READ their scripts, folks!

When we finally get (back) to --
* Paper Ballots,
* Counted by hand, at each precinct, by partisan volunteers, keeping a gimlet eye on that scoundrel across the table,
* Perhaps called in by the precinct captain, who has a magic PIN to verify the call,
* With no machines anywhere in the chain, and NOT depending on people's good intentions and honesty,
Counting could be essentially DONE by midnight.
**- THEN I might trust elections again!
(But I will also NOT flee to Canada; I'm gonna stay and fight it out.)

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